HealthReach gratefully accepts and appreciates donations of all sizes. Thanks to our volunteers, every dollar contributed generates over $10.00 in services to our patients. More importantly, every dollar helps make a difference to sick and suffering people who cannot afford to pay for healthcare. We could not function without donations from members of our community.
If you are interested in supporting our clinic, please call our Executive Director to schedule a time to tour our facilities at 400 E. Statesville Avenue, Mooresville. We would be happy to show you around!
All donations to HealthReach are tax-deductible.
There are a number of ways to help HealthReach:
1. To make a one-time secure online donation, click on the PayPal button below. You do not need a PayPal account to pay online using this button.
2. To set up a regular monthly donation, click on the PayPal Subscribe button below. PayPal will automatically deduct a donation from your account each month until you unsubscribe.
3. Click on the Amazon Wishlist image or the link below to donate by buying one of the supplies on the wishlist.